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Master of Business Administration

Research and Consultancy

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Sl. No. Title of paper Name of the author/s Department of the teacher Name of journal Year of publication ISSN number Link to the recognition in UGC enlistment of the Journal /Digital Object Identifier (doi) number
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1 To examine the key factors that contributes to customers switching towards other brand Prof. Pradeep MBA IJSREM 2022 ISSN:2582-3930
2 “A conceptual overview on examining customer’s intention to rely on online reviews” Prof. Pradeep MBA IJSREM 2022 ISSN:2582-3930
3 Analysis of Working Capital Management at an Automotive Headliner Manufacturing Industry Prof. Neelam R Patil MBA IJSRED 2022 ISSN: 2581 – 7175
4 Microfinance & women’s economic empowerment: Assessing the role of financial inclusion Prof. Chaithra N MBA Journal of Informatics Education & Research 2024 1526-4726
5 An overview on Application & Risk associated with AI Prof. Pradeep & Prof. Chaithra N MBA IJSREM 2024 2582-3930
6 Role of Artificial Intelligence in Marketing  Prof. Pradeep & Prof. Chaithra N MBA IJARESM 2024 2455-6211
7 The most effective marketing techniques for repairing your brand reputation Prof. Pradeep MBA IJEMH 2024 2584-2145
8 An overview on the application on artificial intelligence in sustainable supply chain  Prof. Pradeep MBA NOLEGEIN Journal of Supply Chain and Logistics Management 2024 2582-0141
9 The use of Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning in Forecasting the Financial Growth of Automobile industries Prof. Neelam R. Patil MBA IJSREM 2024 2582-3930
10 The Role of Foreign Direct Investment in the Economic development of India Prof. Neelam R. Patil MBA IJARESM 2024 2455-6211
11 A Study on the key factors influencing entrepreneurial success Prof. Kiran Suraj S MBA IJSREM 2024 2582-3930
12 Threats of Artificial intelligence in India with special reference to Education: Navigating the challenges and embracing opportunities Prof. Kiran Suraj S MBA IJSREM 2024 2582-3930